Three Ways to MUN on a Budget

Model United Nations programs benefit students; here are three ways to MUN-including on a budget!
Model United Nations (MUN) programs have existed since the League of Nations, when there were Model League of Nations programs. Once the United Nations was created, more schools began to recognize the benefits of these experiences. We at American Model United Nations (AMUN) are cognizant of the strained and diminishing budgets in higher education. We know that funding for extracurricular activities can be challenging, and we are committed to providing multiple ways for your school to enjoy the benefits of MUN while being budget-conscious: from creating a Model UN simulation on your campus, to attending the in-person simulations in November, to participating in our virtual committee. Let’s talk options.
- Model United Nations in a Box
AMUN’s Model UN in a Box Simulation Guide program is our most affordable way to MUN. Our experts at AMUN have created simulation guides for you to incorporate MUN on your campus. This program is excellent for class or club meetings and can also be used to host standalone simulations for novices. It can even be used to prepare your team to attend AMUN in November.
With Model UN in a Box, we have done a lot of the work for you. Each program contains research tips and resources, classroom handouts and simulation forms, country statements and background guides, and country placards. Our website provides an overview of what this program is, just click here for more details. Our current simulation guide lists at $59.95 with free US domestic shipping and $20 for international shipping. The printed component includes chapters on: Teaching Model UN in a classroom, Caucusing and Consensus Building, Decision Making and Documents, Rules of Procedure and Running an Effective Dais and Training Dais Staff.
The target audience for our simulation guide program is both high school and college age students. While our conference in the fall is geared toward college students, our guide can easily be adapted for high school students.
- Virtual Committee
If you’re looking for a little more advanced way to MUN but can’t afford to attend the in-person committees in November, our virtual committee may be the option for you. While we pride ourselves on being one of the most affordable college MUN conferences, we recognize traveling to and staying in Chicago can be cost prohibitive for many who would like to attend. In 2020 AMUN went completely virtual because of the pandemic, and during this transition we recognized that an online simulation increases our accessibility. In 2022 AMUN is virtually simulating the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Executive Board. To participate in the virtual committee, students will need a headset, microphone and a stable internet connection. Additionally, a video webcam is highly recommended for participation in the virtual session, but it is not a requirement at this time.
We will be allowing up to two representatives per delegation to participate in our virtual environment; schools are welcome to register multiple countries to increase their participation. For example, if you have six students, and you want them each to have a partner, you could select two countries to represent in the virtual committee. Students can even participate if their college or university doesn’t have a whole delegation. The virtual simulation provides an excellent opportunity for individual students to participate in MUN when their school does not have a Model UN program.
To attend the virtual simulation, students only pay the $65 per delegate fee. There is no country fee for virtual participation.
- Attend the conference in-person in Chicago
Finally, if it’s financially feasible, we encourage participation in our annual in-person Conference in Chicago in November. We host the conference before the Thanksgiving holiday as we do not want to clash with final exam schedules for many schools. This site lists the breakdown of costs, including the cost of staying at the Sheraton. To register for either the online virtual committee or the in-person conference, please click here.
No matter how you MUN, we hope you’re able to participate in AMUN in some form. From our Model UN in a Box Simulation Guide to seeing you in person in Chicago, we cannot wait for you to MUN! Don’t forget – you can always engage with other great AMUN content on our blog or social media!
If you have any questions about any of these programs, please contact
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