by Brian Endless, PhD | Nov 21, 2023 | Two Point Two
By Dr. Brian Endless, President of the AMUN Board of Directors Remarks from the AMUN 2023 Opening Plenary Session on 18 November 2023. Distinguished representatives, faculty advisors, Secretariat and honored guests. Thank you and welcome to AMUN. First, I’m standing...
by Jared Melville | Nov 21, 2023 | Two Point Two
By Jared M. Melville Welcome to the end of your four days of Conference! On behalf of the AMUN Secretariat, I congratulate you for your outstanding work and achievements this Conference. We hope you will join us again next year as a returning representative or member...
by Claudia Barney | Nov 20, 2023 | AMUN Chronicle
By: Claudia Barney, Staff Reporter This morning the Human Rights Council (HRC) voted to pass HRC/II/I, on the topic of the consequences of child, early and forced marriage, by consensus. The Resolution encourages Member States to evaluate relevant policies and...
by Claudia Barney | Nov 19, 2023 | AMUN Chronicle
By: Claudia Barney, Staff Reporter Today the Human Rights Council (HRC) unanimously passed HCR/I/, and has already begun work on Draft Resolution BB regarding topic II: consequences of child, early, and forced marriage. This morning the Representatives in the HRC...
by Claudia Barney | Nov 19, 2023 | AMUN Chronicle
By: Claudia Barney, Staff Reporter The Human Rights Council (HCR), an intergovernmental body tasked with the protection of all human rights, began their discussions on the topic of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, and are making quick progress...