Press conference on ICAO’s Hyper-focus on Airborne Diseases

Multiple delegations came together to draft a resolution with working title JJ, focused on health and safety in regards to animals on international flights. Representative Ale Vargas of Palestine explained that despite States’ insistence on focusing on COVID, there are a multitude of non-airborne diseases that have the potential to be deadly, such as those that spread through animals. Unfortunately, according to Representatives of South Sudan, Palestine, Australia, Egypt and Venezuela, the prevention of those other diseases is often not given the attention it requires; which is what they claim is happening in the ICAO.
These Representatives expressed that they have felt a lack of respect towards the topic from the body and held a Press Conference at 3:20pm today. During the Press Conference, Representatives emphasized the potential for health crises related to vector-borne disease, then explained preventative measures they would like to see taken, such as the upgrade of air filters in the cargo holds of planes, pet vaccine verifications and the shaving of longer-haired animals. The Representatives made it clear that the issue of vector-borne disease is not one to be ignored and that their resolution is attempting to give that issue the care that it deserves.
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