Announcing the 2022 American Model United Nations Committees and Topics

American Model United Nations is incredibly excited to announce the committees and topics to be simulated at AMUN 2022! The diversity within the selected topics is anticipated to appeal to a wide range of representatives while fostering valuable discussions on pressing international issues. Without further ado, the topics are as follows:
General Assembly Concurrent Plenary
- Education for democracy
- Nature knows no borders: transboundary cooperation—a key factor for biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use
General Assembly First Committee
- Countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices
- Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament
General Assembly Second Committee
- Women in development
- Promotion of international cooperation to combat illicit financial flows and strengthen good practices on assets return to foster sustainable development
General Assembly Third Committee
- Protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons
- The right to food
International Civil Aviation Organization
- Protection of the health of passengers and crews and prevention of the spread of communicable disease through international travel
- Aviation’s contribution towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
ECOSOC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Committee on South-South Cooperation
- The inefficiency of inequality
ECOSOC Committee of Experts on Public Administration
- Effective governance for sustainable development: putting principles into practice and reviewing outcomes
- Building strong institutions for sustainable development in conflict-affected countries
International Court of Justice
- Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan)
- Jadhav (India v. Pakistan)
- Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Virtual Simulation)
- Strategy for youth and adult literacy (2020-2025)
- Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change
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