by AMUN Staff | Feb 14, 2019 | Two Point Two
We are pleased to announce the final topics for the 2019 AMUN Conference agenda! We will be using the AMUN Accords, the AMUN Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter to publish items related to these topics throughout the year, and we will publish our complete background...
by Nia Indelicato | Oct 9, 2018 | Two Point Two
What is the goal of AMUN’s Security Council simulations? While this may seem like an odd question, the answer is often a common point of confusion for representatives. I have been involved in AMUN’s Security Council simulations for the last decade, and, each year, I...
by Jacob P Torres | Feb 21, 2018 | Turtle Bay
Organizing for International Health The story of the World Health Organization (WHO) begins in 1851, when, in response to cholera outbreaks across Europe, the first International Sanitary Conference convened in Paris, France. This was the first attempt to work...
by Jacob P Torres | Feb 13, 2018 | Turtle Bay
The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) is the main governing body of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). UNEP was established in 1972 at the conclusion of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, in response to human effect on the...
by Brianne Reeves | Dec 1, 2017 | Two Point Two
Today, we are happy to share the final list of simulations for the 2018 American Model United Nations Conference. The full list is below. General Assembly General Assembly Plenary General Assembly First Committee General Assembly Second Committee General Assembly...