by Brian Endless, PhD | Nov 21, 2023 | Two Point Two
By Dr. Brian Endless, President of the AMUN Board of Directors Remarks from the AMUN 2023 Opening Plenary Session on 18 November 2023. Distinguished representatives, faculty advisors, Secretariat and honored guests. Thank you and welcome to AMUN. First, I’m standing...
by Brianne Reeves | Sep 8, 2017 | Just for Fun, MUN Tips and Tricks
The 50th anniversary of International Literacy Day is Friday, 8 September, 2017. Over the past 50 years, literacy rates have been on the rise, with current literacy rates at approximately 86.5 percent of adults globally. As of 2015, almost 90 percent of illiterate...
by Eldon A Winters | Aug 1, 2017 | Turtle Bay
International law is one of the basic building blocks of the United Nations system. It provides the foundation for stable, peaceful and just relationships between States and their people. This week, we’ll explore what international law is. What is International Law...
by Nia Indelicato | Jan 10, 2017 | Turtle Bay
On 1 January, the Security Council welcomed Bolivia, Ethiopia, Italy, Kazakhstan and Sweden into its ranks as non-Permanent Members. They replace Spain, Malaysia, New Zealand, Angola and Venezuela, whose terms ended in 2016. As 2017 begins, these new Members will be...
by Jacqueline E Whitt | Oct 24, 2016 | MUN Tips and Tricks
I Model UN because. . . The AMUN Secretariat is a 100% volunteer staff. None of us get paid to help run AMUN each year, so one of the questions we get asked a lot is, “Why do you spend time doing this?” It’s usually the question we get right after we have to explain...