1. You may keep your currently-assigned country or countries by POSITIVELY AFFIRMING your intent to fill this role at the 2020 Virtual Conference (22-25 October 2020) by 12:00 noon CDT on 22 July 2020. You have two options to confirm your country assignments for 2020.
- Fill out the linked Google Form (preferred).
- Email Shannon (mail@amun.org) with your intent.
2. Given the smaller delegations sizes of the online conference, if your school would like to register for additional delegations, you must complete the section of the form (or email Shannon a list) indicating how many additional delegations you would like to register for and provide a list of your top 25 selections or other preferences for assigning a delegation (see section on making your wishlist, below). We will use the 2020 Lottery order and registration date to make these assignments.
3. On 23 July, any country assignments that have NOT been confirmed will go into a pool of available countries. Between 23-26 July, someone from the AMUN Executive Office will use the 2020 Lottery order and the school’s wishlist to assign available countries. Your wishlist should include your top 25 selections or other preferences for assigning a delegation (see section on making your wishlist, below). We will contact schools as needed to complete this process. Schools will be able to “swap” countries in this manner.
4. On 27 July (12:00 noon CDT), all countries not assigned through processes 1-3 above will be posted on the AMUN website, and will be available for first-come-first-served registration via the AMUN registration form online.
There will be no penalty should you choose to change your country assignment for 2020.
Tips for making your country wish-list, should you need to swap or add delegations:
Please be as descriptive and specific as possible. Also note, we will not be able to publish a list of which countries have been released before making these assignments. Think of this as a wishlist – if a delegation is released or becomes available, which ones would be your preference? We aren’t mind readers, but we’re going to do our best to assign schools to delegations they want and that make sense for them. We recommend listing at least 25 countries on your wishlist.
Your wishlist might include:
- Specific country preferences (e.g., Spain, Guinea, Azerbaijan)
- Committee preferences (e.g., UNESCO and HSC1990; any SC slot)
- Desired delegation size (e.g., between 5-7 representatives)
- Regional preferences (e.g., Caribbean or Asia-Pacific island)
You can also email this information in a document to Shannon (mail@amun.org).
Things to consider when making your country selections for 2020
- Delegation Committee Report. Check the current requirements for your current country assignment on our website: https://www.amun.org/delegation-report/.
- Available and Assigned Countries. The lists of assigned and available countries are current as of 13 July 2020. No changes will be made to these lists until 23 July; any countries on the assigned list that have not been confirmed are subject to reassignment.
- Limit of one delegate per simulation. This is a hard limit and no exceptions will be made. This change will change the maximum number of students who can represent a single country.
- Addition of new simulations. To accommodate more representatives, especially in medium-sized bodies, we have changed our simulation lineup (added WHO and FAO and eliminated GAPlenary, GA4, and ECE). Additionally, we have changed UNESCO from a universal-membership special committee to the Executive Board, which is a defined-membership body. These changes may have altered your min/max delegate count.
- Independent students. There will still be approximately 36 slots available for single students who are not part of a delegation (i.e., IPD, ICJ, COI)
- Minimum delegation size. For AMUN 2020, the minimum delegation size is three students (GA1, GA2, GA3). Each delegation may also have a floating Permanent Representative.
- Sortable List of countries by committee. A Excel Spreadsheet of countries with their committee assignments is also available to help in populating your wishlist.