by Chedly Mouelhi | Nov 20, 2022 | AMUN Chronicle
Since its formation in 1946, the UN has worked hard on women’s inclusion and equality. The Commission on the Status of Women, created in February 1947, held its first World Conference on Women in 1975. This Conference put a 10 year plan to reduce the...
by AMUN Staff | Feb 18, 2022 | Two Point Two
American Model United Nations is incredibly excited to announce the committees and topics to be simulated at AMUN 2022! The diversity within the selected topics is anticipated to appeal to a wide range of representatives while fostering valuable discussions on...
by Joe Spaulding | Oct 25, 2020 | AMUN Chronicle
The General Assembly 2nd Committee adopted Resolution 1-3 by consensus with zero abstentions. The resolution addressed infrastructure improvements in Member...
by Jacob P Torres | May 15, 2018 | Turtle Bay
When the United Nations was formed in October of 1945, Chapter IV of the UN Charter mandated the formation of the General Assembly and allowed for the General Assembly to “establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions....
by Jacob P Torres | Nov 13, 2017 | Turtle Bay
The In Case You Missed It Series highlights UN news that is relevant to the topics being simulated at AMUN 2017. This AMUN Accords post covers selected news from the week of 6 November. The General Assembly Plenary will be discussing the Review of the United Nations...