by Samantha Howe | Nov 20, 2021 | AMUN Chronicle
Commission on Population and Development: Adolescents (aged 10-19) and Youths (aged 15-24) make up nearly 25% of the global population, at 1.8 billion people in these age ranges. Young people stand at the precipice of adulthood, with all the potential as they develop...
by Jacob P Torres | May 15, 2018 | Turtle Bay
When the United Nations was formed in October of 1945, Chapter IV of the UN Charter mandated the formation of the General Assembly and allowed for the General Assembly to “establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions....
by Chap Nowicke | Apr 3, 2018 | Turtle Bay
On 3 October 1946, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations established the Population Commission. In December of 1994, on the heels of the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, the United Nations renamed it the...
by Jacob P Torres | Feb 21, 2018 | Turtle Bay
Organizing for International Health The story of the World Health Organization (WHO) begins in 1851, when, in response to cholera outbreaks across Europe, the first International Sanitary Conference convened in Paris, France. This was the first attempt to work...