#AMUN2017: The Year in Review
We’ve made it! Another year, another conference in the books.
AMUN 2017 was the 28th Conference and a fantastically successful one, thanks in large part to the hard work of our representatives, faculty advisors, and staff members. We thought we’d wrap up 2017 with a quick review of the year and your accomplishments.
- 1450 student attendees
- 581 Guidebook downloads
- 159 e-mail contacts for faculty advisors and permanent representatives
- 150 registered countries
- 121 AMUN staff members
- 95 countries already assigned for AMUN 2018
- 86 information requests fulfilled by Home Government
- 83 UN lapel pins sold
- 73 total registered schools
- 65 resolutions passed by various committees and councils
- 41 background briefs written for the Issues at AMUN handbook
- 24 role-players in committees and councils
- 18 graduate schools at the expo
- 9 presidential statements issued by the Security Council and Historical Security Councils
- 6 reports issued by the Commission of Experts on Public Administration, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and the Historical Commission of Inquiry of 1948
- 6 issues of the AMUN Chronicle published by the International Press Delegation
- 5 resolutions passed by the General Assembly Combined Plenary
- 5 opinions written by members of the International Court of Justice
- 3 SC/HSC emergency sessions gaveled in by 1:05 a.m.
- 1 new simulation
And with that, the Accords is going to take a month-long hiatus. We’ll see you again in February to bring you new, relevant and innovative Model UN content. In the meantime, take a look at our archives and take your best guesses at the topics we’ll be simulating in 2018. You might also think about writing a blog post or essay for the AMUN Accords. It’s a great way to stay connected to the MUN community throughout the year. We’d love to add you as a guest author!
From all of us here at AMUN, congratulations on a great 2017 and good luck as 2018 rolls in!
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